Sterili Hawk Hawk 15ml 50ml Provette coniche in plastica per centrifuga con CE

Descrizione del prodotto ProdottoTubi del falco, tubi centrifughispecifica0.2ml 0.5ml 1.5ml 2ml 5ml 7ml 10ml 15ml 20ml50ml 100mlColoreBlu, arancione, rossa ed e cos&ig

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Descrizione del prodotto

ProdottoTubi del falco, tubi centrifughi
specifica0.2ml 0.5ml 1.5ml 2ml 5ml 7ml 10ml 15ml 20ml50ml 100ml
ColoreBlu, arancione, rossa ed e così Via, la quantità Di colore può Essere selezionata
MatericalPolipropilene dei pp



Falcon Sterile Falcon 15 Ml 50 Ml Plastic Conical Centrifuge Test Tubes with CE

Falcon Sterile Falcon 15 Ml 50 Ml Plastic Conical Centrifuge Test Tubes with CE

Falcon Sterile Falcon 15 Ml 50 Ml Plastic Conical Centrifuge Test Tubes with CE

Falcon Sterile Falcon 15 Ml 50 Ml Plastic Conical Centrifuge Test Tubes with CE

Falcon Sterile Falcon 15 Ml 50 Ml Plastic Conical Centrifuge Test Tubes with CE

Falcon Sterile Falcon 15 Ml 50 Ml Plastic Conical Centrifuge Test Tubes with CE

Falcon Sterile Falcon 15 Ml 50 Ml Plastic Conical Centrifuge Test Tubes with CE
Falcon Sterile Falcon 15 Ml 50 Ml Plastic Conical Centrifuge Test Tubes with CE
Falcon Sterile Falcon 15 Ml 50 Ml Plastic Conical Centrifuge Test Tubes with CE
Falcon Sterile Falcon 15 Ml 50 Ml Plastic Conical Centrifuge Test Tubes with CE
Falcon Sterile Falcon 15 Ml 50 Ml Plastic Conical Centrifuge Test Tubes with CE
Falcon Sterile Falcon 15 Ml 50 Ml Plastic Conical Centrifuge Test Tubes with CE


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